We offer dangerous game hunting for lion, leopard, rhino, elephant, buffalo, hippo, crocodile & more
Our success rate on all animals (except the elusive leopard) is very close to 100%
Practice and Preparation is of the utmost importance - the right technique, the right rifle, the right caliber and the right bullet can make all the difference

"Dangerous game animals are smart, cunning, big, and they are a formidable foe. One should never take them lightly or allow your bravado to get the better of you when hunting these noble adversaries."
Will I be in safe hands?
How can I prepare?
All of our Dangerous Game PH's have many years of experience and are dedicated towards keeping every client safe. In our experienced hands you can have peace of mind that should anything go wrong we will have the experience and cool demeanor to effectively handle the situation.
Practice makes perfect. Make sure you are comfortable with a large caliber rifle and practice shooting from unusual or uncomfortable positions. Be comfortable, thoroughly familiar, and proficient with your weapon of choice. Mentally prepare and visualize for the hunting field and your opponent.

As a Cape Buffalo specialist we offer only the highest quality Buffalo hunts in South Africa. We target old “Dugga boy” bulls primarily and have hunted some truly incredible bulls over the years. Hunting these old bulls at close quarters and on foot is an experience second to none. You will not go wrong booking your "Old school" Buffalo hunt with us!
Cape Buffalo

Truly one of the pinnacles of big game hunting. Elephant hunting will result in an adrenaline rush like no other! Hunting these old bulls and cows at close quarters is an experience second to none as you will need to get in close for the final shot. We offer both trophy hunts as well as tuskless cow hunts.

Leopards are without question one opf the trickiest members of the dangerous 7 to hunt. Most of our leopard are hunted either on bait or with hounds. It is extremely exciting and a true game of cat and mouse trying to outwit this elusive predator. Most hunts are about 14 days with a 99% success rate with hounds and a 90% success rate over bait. The best time of year is April to July.

Rhinos are one of the less frequently hunted members of the dangerous 7 due to the higher price. However when it is done with us, it is always on foot, tracking and stalking the rhinos. Something to bear in mind when booking this hunt is that the permitting process to hunt a rhino is a lengthy one and can take up to 3 months. We are proud to offer Vita Dart hunts, full horned rhino hunts as well as dehorned rhino hunts.

Hippo hunting is mostly done by stalking and hunting along the shores of a river or lake. Taking a Hippo on land is always the goal whenever possible however sometimes shots whilst the hippo is in the water are the order of the day. Hippo's require absolute precision shooting to ensure they don't get back to their watery den or slip away after the shot never to be seen again. They are without doubt one of the trickiest shots a hunter will face in his career.

Crocodile hunting is mostly done by stalking and hunting along the shores of a river or lake. Taking a Crocodile on land is always the goal whenever possible however sometimes shots whilst the croc is in the water is the order of the day. These animals require absolute precision shooting to ensure they don't get back to their watery den. They are without doubt one of the trickiest shots a hunter will face in his career.

This is a hard work and adrenaline pumping hunt. The hunt is done exclusively on foot with master trackers. This hunt involves lots of tracking and walking and it is phenomenal fun hunting a big cat on foot. Prepare yourself for some serious nerves!